Act 2, Scene 4: The King's Night Out



%SND% Sounds of a tavern late at night. The bar staff is about to call out the last round before closing.

Fah'ima (clearing empty glasses off the table): "Hey, darling, just so you know we're doing last call now"

Say'ake-Sen: "Oh, is it that late already? How time flies!"

Fah'ima: "Yeah, crazy, isn't it? So is there anything more I can bring you, or are you good for tonight?"

Say'ake-Sen: "I'm good, thanks. I've already had at least one too many."

Fah'ima: "All right. That'll be 65 pennies then."

%ACT% Say'ake-Sen reaches for his money pouch, which has a LOT of coins in it.

Say'ake-Sen: "There you go. You can keep the change."

Fah'ima: "Wow, that's a whole guilder - thank you so much! That's very generous of you!"

Say'ake-Sen: "You're welcome, I thoroughly enjoyed your service."

Fah'ima: "So where are you from? Don't think I've seen you around here before."

Say'ake-Sen: "I live in the upper city ... but I don't get out a whole lot these days. My work keeps me busy till late at night."

Fah'ima: "Tell me about it. After I lost my husband in the Bren'ozian war, I have to run two jobs to feed me and my son, and I'm still only just scraping by. So I very much appreciate the tip, it'll really make a difference."

Say'ake-Sen: "What's your name?"

Fah'ima: "Fah'ima. Shoemaker by day, waitress by night. Yeah yeah, I know. Quite the career huh? How about you?"

Say'ake-Sen: "I have to sit at a desk signing papers all day."

Fah'ima: "It seems pretty well paid by the looks of it if, I may be so bold. If you ever want to swap jobs, let me know."

Say'ake-Sen: "Oh believe me, it would bore you to death."

Fah'ima: "Sounds like a dream job compared to serving drinks for tips. But the tavern seems to be the only business that's not suffering from the fallout of the war. These days, I'd do almost anything to get out of debt. Even paperwork."

Say'ake-Sen: "Come now, you're a young, attractive woman. How is it that you haven't found a new husband yet."

Fah'ima: "I'm sorry, this conversation's getting a liiiiitle bit personal now. Have you ever lost a loved one in a war hmm? I guess not. Anyway, I have to be getting back to work now, thanks again for the tip and I hope you have a great night! Stay safe!"

Say'ake-Sen: "Wait wait wait. You said you'd do anything to get out of debt?"

Fah'ima: "Almost anything. If you want someone poisoned, you'll have to do that yourself."

Say'ake-Sen: "Have you been asked to do that before?"

Fah'ima: "More often than you'd think."

Say'ake-Sen: "Well, then I'm glad I got to be served by you and not someone less upright."

Fah'ima: "Look, I really have to finish my last round. You take care now."

Say'ake-Sen: "Please! Wait. Just one more thing."

Fah'ima (exacerbated, annoyed and impatient): "Yes ... ?"

%SND% Say-ake-Sen digs deep into his money bag, and drops a very big, very heavy coin on the table.

Say'ake-Sen: "Would THIS solve your little debt problem?"

Fah'ima (stunned): "Oh! Eh ... eh ... is that ... a real gold doubloon?"

Say'ake-Sen: "And it could be yours."

Fah'ima (jokingly): "Okay, so who do I need to kill?"

Say'ake-Sen: "Ha ha, no no, nothing like that. You see, here's the thing... My wife's come down with the rat plague, and it doesn't look like she's going to be getting better any time soon. As such, the recent months have become rather ... lonely. I could really use the company of a pretty woman like yourself. Just for one night. That's all."

Fah'ima: "No. Sorry. I'm not that kind of woman."

Say'ake-Sen: "Your husband surely won't mind."

Fah'ima: "Get the hell out of here you creep."

Say'ake-Sen: "You really don't know who I am, do you?"

Fah'ima: "I don't care who you are, or how rich you are. You crossed the line right there, and I want you to get out of this tavern right now, or I'm going to call for help."

Say'ake-Sen: "Before you do that, please first have a look at this ..."

%SND% Rustling of clothing

Fah'ima (shocked): "The royal sigil ... your majesty!"

Say'ake-Sen: "Sssssshhhhh! We don't want to cause a stir now do we? So here's the deal. You have the extraordinary honor to be chosen as the King's mistress for the night. You will fulfill his majesty's wishes without objection, and you will swear by your life that this will forever remain our little secret. You will of course be rewarded for your duties in gold, as it is fitting. If you refuse however, your life will be forfeit. What is your decision now?"

Fah'ima (deadpan): "I shall do as your majesty wishes. Where shall we go?"

Say'ake-Sen: "Let's go to your place. The simple homes of the populace are such a welcome change from the satin sheets of the golden cage that is my royal palace."

Fah'ima: "Whatever you say, your majesty. Let me fetch my things."

Say'ake-Sen: "For tonight my dear, you can call me Say."